Thursday, May 6, 2010

Garry Wills : Bomb Power:

James Madison: " In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates." Federalist 51

Garry Wills' "Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State" describes the Presidential single handed unitary executive power to withhold information from the Congress and the Courts.

The book also provides an elicit review of "signing statements" which has been used by the president in worst ways to block the legitimate will of the congress. it is trough and comprehensive study of the signing statements.

The American monarch has setup CIA, NSA and FBI to push the presidential power unchecked with other equal branches of the government.

Clinton once said only war president achieve greatness. An opportunity for Bush and Obama.

suspension of habeas corpus
extraordinary rendition
secret prisons around the world
warrantless surveillance of citizens at home
abrogation of Geneva convention
unilateral dispensation from treaties
water boarding

DOJ has said they have dome all of this with permission of members of federalist society like J. Bybee and his assistant John You sometimes writing memos for Alberto Gonzalez.

Bush left the white house disgraced, Obama promised change but he has decided to keep some of the old policies unitary executive power. First He said: Past crimes will not be prosecuted, not even for a impartial truth commission to discover the facts.
IN his conformation hearings, Leon Peneda, the head of CIA said he will use extraordinary rendition.
Eric Holder evoked the state secrets act based on the faulty ?renold? case. He has refused to release CIA interrogation documents of illigaly destroyed CIA interogation tapes which was ordered by a federal judge, thus interfering in a Court proceeding. Elena Kagan his head of DOJ told the senate he agree with John Yoo that detainees captured anywhere in the world will be held to battlefield law.
When a UK court wanted to share US documents in a court proceeding of a terrorist suspect, Holder urge them not to do so.

Even gay military personal, with superb Arabic speaking skills, were dismissed at the same rate as before. More egregiously on Defense of Marriage Act the obama people at he DOJ have refused to accept gay marriage licenses from other states which have legalized gay marriage.

USA still has an estimated one thousands military stations around the world.

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